Cybersecurity Incident Response

The attorneys at Ritter Gallagher have advised hundreds of businesses through cybersecurity events and fully understand the risks and challenges that organizations face in the wake of a cyber attack. Our Cybersecurity Incident Response services are designed to provide comprehensive legal counsel through all aspects of managing a data security incident. From misplaced laptops and wire fraud to complex ransomware events impacting global business units, Ritter Gallagher brings the necessary expertise and third-party resources to minimize business interruption, legal exposure and reputational risks. Our approach is holistic, prioritizing not just immediate response, but also long-term recovery and resilience.

Communications, Public Relations and Breach Notification

Our team takes a thoughtful approach to internal and external communications strategy, breach notification and regulatory reporting. Where others are reflexive, Ritter Gallagher aims to examine the full scope of risks and considerations when assisting clients in developing a communication strategy following a cyber incident. We work closely with your team to craft statements designed to preserve trust in your organization and maintain relationships with key partners. When appropriate, we guide our clients through the process of analyzing impacted data and individuals, identifying regulatory authorities, individuals and other third parties to which notice is required, and coordinating timely delivery of legally compliant notifications to all parties.